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Siyoto Commendation Meeting for Outstanding Employees Was Successfully Held
Date: 2020-07-20  Author:eriocer    Source:siyoto

On July 20, 2020, 18:30 pm, the commendation meeting for outstanding employees in the second quarter of 2020 was held in Siyoto Electronics Co., Ltd. Its theme was summary, reflection, commendation, and progress. Participated by Wang Pengshun, GM of Siyoto, company's senior executives and all employees, this meeting aimed to commend outstanding employees in the previous quarter and encourage all staff to work hard and create more brilliant performance.


(Host: Manager of Administration Department Yang Pingshi)

This ceremony held by Yang Pingshi, manager of Administration Department began with the music “Athletes march”. First of all, Manager Yang made a brief introduction to the main process of the ceremony, and then opened the first agenda-- Duan Xiaogang, Director of Operation Center and Dean of Business College, gave a speech on corporate culture spirit.

Director Duan firstly reviewed the first half year raged by the epidemic, congratulated all employees for maintaining good health and stable work. Then, he expressed his gratitude to the company and leaders for providing safe and stable work for all employees. At the same time, he also pointed out that Siyoto couldn’t become what it is without an excellent team and hardworking employees. "As the manager of the company, principal of the operation center, I would like to express my gratitude to you on behalf of the company. Thanks for your hard work!"/upload/202108050835413525.jpg

(Duan Xiaogang, Director of Operation Center and Dean of Business College)

While looking forward to Siyoto’s future, Director Duan also said that the construction of the company's management process and mechanism still needed improvement. Therefore, he made a call for all employees: when encounter difficulties, please stop complaining, maintain considerate and tolerant, work shoulder to shoulder, and actively raise and solve problems.

At the end of the speech, Director Duan thoughtfully reminded all employees to take careof themselves in hot weather, especially in this pandemic. At the same time, he congratulated the 30 employees who won the title of outstanding employees and encouraged those who had not been commended to make persistent efforts and strive for the next ***ion.


(Awards scene)

Then proceed to the second agenda-award certificate and bonus to the second quarter outstanding employee. The awards were first presented by Director Liu and Manager Liang of the production center, and then by General Manager Wang and Director Duan.



(Award presenters take group photo with outstanding employees)

Amidst the lively and passionate music, outstanding employees wearing a big red flower on his chest walked to the award platform one by one and received the certificate symbolizing honor from award presenters. During this section, three outstanding employee representatives came to the stage to deliver their award speeches. They expressed gratitude to the company and the leaders, and showed determination to keep working hard in the future, carry forward the team spirit, and strive to contribute more to the development of the company.


(Outstanding employee representatives deliver speeches)

The third agenda of the conference: GM Wang took the stage to deliver a speech. Mr. Wang first congratulated to the winners and said that all honors are the result of hard work. Reviewing the company's development in the first half of 2020, Mr. Wang affirmed the company's steady development and expressed gratitude to all staff for their efforts./upload/202108050835558270.jpg

(GM Wang gave a speech on the stage)

At the same time, in order to realize the company’s vision of becoming the most influential enterprise in the electric-acoustic industry, and to better fulfill the company’s goals this year, as the head of the company, Mr. Wang put forward several requirements to all employees: The first is to enjoy learning. It is never too old to learn. The second is to complete work with quality and quantity guaranteed. The third is to provide timely feedback on problems and keep smooth work communication.

Finally, Mr. Wang put forward his best wishes to the company; “As the head of the company, I am proud of the company’s achievements today and having so many hard-working employees. As long as we are not afraid of wind and rain, we will be able to swim against the current, make persistent efforts, and create better achievement!


(Company executives take group photo with outstanding employees)

In the exciting music, outstanding employees who received the commendation took a group photo with the company's leaders. After that, all employees exited in order. Siyoto commendation meeting for outstanding employees in the second quarter of 2020 came to a successful conclusion.

In the exciting music, outstanding employees who received the commendation took a group photo with the company's leaders. After that, all employees exited in order. Siyoto commendation meeting for outstanding employees in the second quarter of 2020 came to a successful conclusion.


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